Submit a new turbulence link. Some of the links on this page came from people just like you. Eventually, these links will show up on this page.
Generic Turbulence Sites
This section has links to sites that discuss turbulence in general terms.- CFD Resource Online by Jonas Larsson
- Turbulence Book List
- Turbulence on Yahoo
- The Center for Applied Parallel Processing (CAPP) at University of Colorado
- The geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics project (GAFD) at various universities
- The Large Scale Computational Fluid Science Group at UIUC does work on turbulence
- Turbulence at LANL
- Center for Chaos and Turbulence Studies (CATS) at Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark
- Turbulence by the Numbers is a discussion on turbulence with a few results
- Turbulence Research Laboratory at University of Maryland at College Park
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)
This section has links to sites with DNS information and results.- Turbulence and Heat Transfer Lab in Tokyo has flow visualization album online DNS database of turbulence and heat transfer
- DNS of Turbulence at LANL
- LES of Boundary Layer Transition on Swept Wings PostScript paper (142kb) via ftp comparing LES and DNS
- Geophysical Turbulence Program in Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division at UCAR
- Implementation of a General Purpose Finite-Difference Algorithm on the CM-5 for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulence PostScript paper (405kb) via ftp by Danesh Tafti, September 1993
- Research interests of MEAM Faculty at University of Michigan
- Research interests of James Riley at University of Washington
- Research interests of George Karniadakis at Brown University
- Research interests of Said Elghobashi at UC Irvine
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Partial reports of SCOUT at MIT
- Research interests of Catherine Crawford at Brown University
- Research interests of David Newman at Brown University
- Research interests of George Karniadakis at Brown University
- Research interests of LIAN-PING WANG at University of Delaware
Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
- LES of Boundary Layer Transition on Swept Wings PostScript paper (142kb) via ftp comparing LES and DNS
- Finite-Differenced Large-Eddy Simulations of Incompressible Turbulent Flows using the Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Stress Model: Effects of Test Filters and Numerical Approximations PostScript paper (2.4Mb) via ftp by F. M. Najjar and D. K. Tafti, August 1995
- Features and Implementation Issues for High-order Finite Difference Algorithm for Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of Incompressible Turbulence on the CM-5 PostScript paper (1.8Mb) via ftp by Danesh Tafti, June 1994
- NCSA's March to the Teraflop--Appendix LES study
- Oceanography Section (OCE) Annual Scientific Report FY93 by UCAR.
- GIS Publications On-Line Canuto, V.M. 1994. Large eddy simulation of turbulence: A subgrid scale model including shear, vorticity, rotation, and buoyancy. Astrophys. J. 428, 729-752
- Turbulence above a forest canopy by Shaohua Shen at Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- Boundary Layers and Turbulence at UCAR
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Boundary-Layer Transition on Swept Wings link to (142kb) PostScript version of NASA Langley Research paper by Xiaoli Huai , Ronald D. Joslin and Ugo Piomelli
- Geophysical Turbulence Program in Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division at UCAR
- Research interests at ICASE
- Research interests of Computational Fluid Dynamics Group at NCSA
- Research interests of Ugo Piomelli at University of Maryland
- Research interests of John C. Wyngaard at Pennsylvania State University
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Research interests of Meteorology Faculty at Pennsylvania State University
- Research Evaluation at IET in Denmark (mostly in Danish)
- Research interests at DCfACFD at IET
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water Bodies at SEECAT
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water Bodies Images at SEECAT
- Re = 64 (6kb GIF image)
- Re = 648 (6kb GIF image)
- Re = 6480 (6kb GIF image)
- Re = 64 (6kb GIF image)
- Research interests of George Karniadakis at Brown University
- Research interests of Kobayashi & Taniguchi Lab at University of Tokyo
- Research interests of LIAN-PING WANG at University of Delaware
- Turbulence Modeling for Thrust Reverser Flow Prediction Methods by Kenneth E. Wurtzler at WL/FIMC
Boundary Free Shear Flows (Jets, Wakes, Shear/Mixing Layers)
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at USC
- The small-scale structure of turbulence at TU Eindhoven in the Netherlands
- Visualization and feature extraction in isotropic Navier-Stokes turbulence at Rutgers University
- 3D Turbulent Shear Flow at Mach 1.1 at NCSA
- Research Evaluation at Institute of Energy Technology in Denmark (mostly in Danish)
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion at Sandia National Laboratories
Wall Bounded Shear Flows (Boundary Layers, Pipe/Channel Flow)
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at USC
- Theory and Computation of 3 Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layer at Syracuse.
- Turbulence, Nonlinear Dynamics and Colloidal Systems at TU Eindhoven in the Netherlands covers scaling behavior, swirling pipe flow, and coherent structures
- The Onset of Turbulence in a Shear Flow Over a Flat Plate at UIUC
- Renormalization-Group-Based (RNG) Turbulence Model Predicts Laminar-Turbulent Flow Transition, at NAS
- A Predictor-Corrector Method for Identifying Vortex Tubes in Turbulent Flow by David C. Banks at ICASE
- Reduced modeling for 2D turbulence by Hongbing Yao at Rutgers University
- A Comparison of the Predictive Capabilities of Several Turbulence Models Using Upwind and Central-Difference Computer Codes link to (2.2Mb) PostScript version of AIAA Paper AIAA-93-0192 by Christopher L. Rumsey and Veer N. Vatsa
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Boundary-Layer Transition on Swept Wings link to (142kb) PostScript version of NASA Langley Research paper by Xiaoli Huai , Ronald D. Joslin and Ugo Piomelli
- Modeling the Transition Region link to (221kb) PostScript version of NASA CR-4492 by Bart A. Singer
- Transition to turbulence in a plane channel flow (2.7Mb) mpeg movie
- Research interests at WHOI COFDL
- Research interests of Faculty at University of Minnesota
- Research interests of Catherine Crawford at Brown University
- Research interests of Lawrence Sirovich at Brown University
- Research interests of George Karniadakis at Brown University
- Research interests of George Karniadakis when still at MIT
- Research interests at ICASE
- Research interests of Computational Fluid Dynamics Group at NCSA
- Research interests of Ugo Piomelli at University of Maryland
- Flow Around a Submarine at AHPCRC
- Airflow Past an Automobile at AHPCRC
- Research interests of Osama A. Kandil at Old Dominion University
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Past Research in Acoustics at Pennsylvania State University
- Research interests of CIRES at University of Colorado
- Research interests at CSIRO in Australia
- Computational Aeroacoustics at NASA Langley
- Structures in a Turbulent Open Channel Flow at SEECAT
- Turbulent and Shear Flows Studies at IIHR
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies at IIHR
- Turbulence Modeling for Thrust Reverser Flow Prediction Methods by Kenneth E. Wurtzler at WL/FIMC
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Cylinder Juncture Flowfields by Donald P. Rizzetta at WL/FIMC
- Numerical Simulation of a Jet Expulsion from an Aircraft Forebody, with Comparison to Experiment by Capt James A. Mundy at WL/FIMC
- The Effect of Leading-Edge Cross-Sectional Geometry on Vortex Flow Aerodynamics by T. Sean Tavares at WL/FIMC
- Numerical Simulation of Delta Wing Roll by Raymond E. Gordnier at WL/FIMC
- The Flowfield Past the X-24C Reentry Vehicle by Datta Gaitonde at WL/FIMC
- Parallel Processing for Computational Fluid Dynamics by Stephen Scherr at WL/FIMC
- Thermal and Fluids Engineering Group at University of Alabama at Birmingham
- List of Projects at University of Trieste
Plasma Turbulence
- Plasma Turbulence on Parallel Computers at ORNL
- Scientific Visualization of Gyrofluid Tokamak Turbulence Simulation at UIUC
- Suppression of Plasma Turbulence by Velocity Shear at ORNL
- Magneto-Hydrodynamics at ORNL
- Fusion Energy at MIT
- Numerical Tokamak Project at LANL
- Engine Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion at Sandia National Laboratories
- Turbulence, Combustion Diagnostics, and Computational Physics at Yale
- Flow Turbulence and Combustion at ERCOFTAC
- Research interests of A.M.Savill at Cambridge
- Research interests of Faculty at University of Minnesota
- Research interests of MEAM Faculty at University of Michigan
- Research interests of Ömer Savas at UC Berkeley
- Research interests at ICASE
- Research interests of Andrew M. Eaton at Brigham Young University
- Creating the Numerical Engine at NCSA
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Research Evaluation at Institute of Energy Technology in Denmark (mostly in Danish)
- Research interests at DCfACFD
- Publications of CAGCT
- Thermal and Fluids Engineering Group at University of Alabama at Birmingham
Turbulent Heat Transfer
- Turbulence With Stagnation-Region Heat Transfer - NAS
- Convective Turbulence and Mixing in Astrophysics at ANL
- Spiral Defect Turbulence research at UC Santa Barbara
- Grand Challenge Problems on the Sp1: Convective Turbulence and Mixing in Astrophysics at University of Chicago
- Astrophysics: Convective Turbulence and Mixing at ANL
- Pattern Formation and Defect Turbulence in Spatially-Extended Dynamic Systems by Matthew Meyer at Cornell University
- Geophysical Turbulence Program in Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division at UCAR
- Research interests of Robert Breidenthal at University of Washington
- Research interests at WHOI COFDL
- Research interests of Bob Stein at Michigan State
- Research interests of Faculty at University of Minnesota
- Research interests of MEAM Faculty at University of Michigan
- Research interests of James Riley at University of Washington
- Research interests at ICASE
- Research interests of Computational Fluid Dynamics Group at NCSA
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Research interests at DCfACFD
- List of Projects at University of Trieste
- Natural Convection in Cavities at Trieste (old)
- Research interests of Lawrence Sirovich at Brown University
- Research of Jan Declercq at Purdue University and KU Leuven in Belgium
- The Flowfield Past the X-24C Reentry Vehicle by Datta Gaitonde at WL/FIMC
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion at Sandia National Laboratories
- Thermal and Fluids Engineering Group at University of Alabama at Birmingham
Metal Casting
- CASTech by CastCAE
- Liquid Steel Project at PSC
- Research interests at CSIRO in Australia
Atmospheric, Oceanographic, and Planetary Turbulence
- Manuscripts from the University of Washington Atmospheric Science Department
- Applications Update on the CRAY T3D System - "Eddy-resolving capability adds new dimension to global ocean modeling" by the Cray Corporation.
- Oceanography Section (OCE) Annual Scientific Report FY93 by UCAR.
- Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics (GAFD) at Colorado
- Atmospheric Turbulence Laboratory at UC Irvine
- The Climate and Global Dynamics Division at NCAR
- USCAE Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at Southern Cal
- GIS Publications On-Line Canuto, V.M. 1994. Large eddy simulation of turbulence: A subgrid scale model including shear, vorticity, rotation, and buoyancy. Astrophys. J. 428, 729-752
- Grand Challenge Problems on the Sp1: Convective Turbulence and Mixing in Astrophysics at ANL
- Astrophysics: Convective Turbulence and Mixing at ANL
- Planetary Boundary Layer Manuscripts at University of Washington
- Turbulence above a forest canopy by Shaohua Shen at Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- Boundary Layers and Turbulence at UCAR
- Coherent Structure in Turbulent Fluid Flow at NCAR
- Research at NCAR A High-Resolution Simulation of the North Atlantic Ocean, can download an mpeg movie
- Geophysical Turbulence Program in Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division at UCAR
- Members of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science at NCSA
- Research interests of Robert Breidenthal at University of Washington
- Research interests at WHOI COFDL
- Research interests at NCAR
- Research interests of Bob Stein at Michigan State
- Research interests of Juan Restrrepo at ANL
- Research interests of James Riley at University of Washington
- Research interests of David Jay at University of Washington
- Research interests of Elbridge Gerry Puckett at University of Chicago
- Research interests of John E. Hart at University of Colorado
- Research interests of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Faculty at University of Wisconsin
- Research interests of Le L.M.D. aJussieu at Universite de Paris (in French)
- Research interests of John C. Wyngaard at Pennsylvania State University
- Large-Scale Simulations of Turbulent Geothermal Convection on a Network of Supercomputers at AHPCRC
- Research interests at J.M. Burgers Centre for Fluid Dynamics in the Netherlands, this is a co-op of TU Eindhoven and TU Delft
- Coherent Vortex Structures in Planetary Turbulence at NCAR
- 1-D Mixed Layer Model of Planetary Boundary Layers by the OPBL Laboratory at the Naval Postgraduate School
- Research interests of F.P. Pijpers at University of Uppsala
- Research interests of Meteorology Faculty at Pennsylvania State University
- Research interests of Environmental Sciences Faculty at University of East Anglia
- Research interests of Complex Systems Faculty at UIUC
- Research interests of CIRES at University of Colorado
- Turbulent Earth Project at PSC
- Inner Turbulence of the Sun Project at PSC
- High Tide in Ocean Modeling Project at PSC
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water Bodies at SEECAT
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water BodiesRe=64 GIF image (6kb) at SEECAT
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water BodiesRe=648 GIF image (6kb) at SEECAT
- Chemical Volatilization from Shallow Liquid Waste Impoundments and Water BodiesRe=6480 GIF image (6kb) at SEECAT
- Dredging Research Program contract report CR DRP-91-1 for the Army
- Ocean Theory Group at the University of Victoria
- Climate Modelling Group at the University of Victoria
- Ocean Turbulence Lab at the University of Victoria
- Thermal and Fluids Engineering Group at University of Alabama at Birmingham
Astrophysical Turbulence
- Convective Turbulence and Mixing in Astrophysics at ANL
- Ake Nordlund's 3-D Dynamics and Visualization in Denmark
- Astrophysics: Convective Turbulence and Mixing at ANL
Biological Flows
- Heart Throb Project at PSC
Chaos and Turbulence
- Center for Chaos and Turbulence Studies (CATS) at Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark
- Turbulence - a philosophical look at turbulence, chaos and life
- Chaos by Design develops applications of chaos theory for data analysis and signal processing.
Simulation Results
This section has links to sites that give simulation results but no other information.- bignick.mpg Large scale movie of Turbulent Convection. This movie shows a short time sequence of enstrophy (vorticity squared) from a strongly rotationally constrained box of turbulent convection, exhibiting the tube-like behaviour of this turbulence.
- CAPP Home Page Center for Applied Parallel Processing at the University of Colorado at Boulder
- Concept Car at University of Minnesota
- Transition to turbulence in a plane channel flow (2.7Mb) mpeg movie
- Results showing transition to turbulence in vortex street, by Xiaogang Li at CMU
Experimental Results
This section has links to sites that give experiment results but no other information.Course/Workshop information
- European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion (ERCOFTAC)workshops/conferences for 1995-1997.
- von Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series, 5 day lectures given every year, January thru June, on a variety of subjects.
- IMACS Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Turbulence, February 10-11, 1994.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Workshop at NCSA (date?)
Sites to Categorize
This section has links to sites that I haven't had time to categorize by topic.- Turbulence Modelling Interest Group at ERCOFTAC
- Joseph A.C. Humphrey - heat transfer at UC Berkeley
- ME Faculty Homepages - Dr. Tim Colonius at Cal Tech
- Fluid Mechanics at Cambridge University
- Fiche d'expertise de Andre Garon (in French) finite elements, turbulence, aerothermique
- ME - Research Facilities at University of Maryland turbulence and CFD
- High Performance Computing Challenge at Stanford University
- Oceanic and Atmospheric Research at NOAA/OAR
- 6th Intl. Symp. on Flow Modelling CALL FOR PAPERS (FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT)
- Netlib Conference Database List
- Schlieren Photography at South Florida University
- Queen Mary and Westfield College Staff
- Research and development projects at TU Meunchen
- NCSA's March to the Teraflop--Appendix at UIUC
- Computational Fluid Dynamics in Switzerland
- Plasma Physics (CRPP) in Switzerland
- Ketil Brydoys hjemmeside at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (in Norwegian)
- Aerodynamics and Turbulence Lab at the University of Houston.
Institute and Project Abbreviations
Links are to the institute or project homepage- AHPCRC - Army High Performance Computing Research Center at the University of Minnesota
- ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
- CAGCT - Centre for Advanced Gas Combustion Technology, at Queen's University in Canada
- CAPP - Center for Applied Parallel Processing, at University of Colorado
- CMU - Carnegie Mellon University
- CIRES - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, joint venture by University of Colorado and NOAA
- COFDL - Coastal & Ocean Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at WHOI
- CSIRO - ??? in Australia
- DCfACFD - Danish Center for Applied Computational Fluid Dynmics Group in Denmark
- ERCOFTAC - European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion
- GAFD - Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- ICASE - Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
- IET - Institute of Energy Technology at Aalborg University
- IIHR - Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research at University of Iowa
- LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- NAS - Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation, at NASA
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research
- NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications, at UIUC
- NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NPS - Naval Postgraduate School
- NSF - National Science Foundation
- ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- OPBL - Oceanic Planetary Boundary Layer Laboratory at NPS
- PSC - Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, joint venture of CMU and the University of Pittsburgh
- SEECAT - South European Engineering Center for Advanced Transport Phenomena
- UC - University of California system
- UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- USC - University of Southern California
- USRA - Universities Space Research Association
- WHOI - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- WL/FIMC - Wright Laboratory - CFD Research Branch
Sites that are down
- The National MetaCenter for Computational Science
- CRPC Applications at Syracuse University
Pertinent to my research topic (stratified wakes)
- Research interests of Robert Breidenthal at University of Washington
- USCAE Geophysical Fluid Dynamics has a stratified turbulent wakes section
- Turbulence by the Numbers is a discussion on turbulence with a few results
- Turbulence and Heat Transfer Lab in Tokyo has flow visualization album online DNS database of turbulence and heat transfer
- Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics (GAFD) at Colorado
- Geophysical Turbulence Program at NCAR
- Research interests of David Jay at University of Washington
- Research interests of Ugo Piomelli at University of Maryland
- Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion at Sandia National Laboratories